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All Things Nuyorican

Let us take you on a tour of Nuyorican culture. Search our recipe blog to find traditional Puerto Rican and American recipes with a Nuyorican twist.  Browse photos of El Barrio (East Harlem), one of the most vibrant communities in New York.  Check in to learn about new cultural events in El Barrio and around New York City.  Join us as we explore Nuyorican food, community, and culture.  

Nuyorican Recipes

A modern take on traditional Puerto Rican cooking, our recipes are simple, fresh and healthier. Search by category or check out our blog for recipe inspiration.  

East harlem photos

Browse through our gallery of photos and experience the beauty of El Barrio. This photographic tour of the neighborhood highlights its beautiful contradictions. 

east harlem events 

A neighborhood steeped in culture, El Barrio has a number of activities to offer including museums, festivals and restaurants. Come see all it has to offer.